Presbyond Laser blended Vision ( Zeiss Meditec)

This treatment has been spesifically developed to treat presbyopia; the need for reading glasses and/or varifocals without having to undergo a lens replacement using artificial multifocal lens implants. With our sophisticated laser program your vision will be excellent at all distances.
Somewhere between the ages of 40 and 50, the lens behind the pupil of the eye becomes stiffer. Those who had good vision before need reading glasses, and those who already wore glasses can no longer see clearly up close with the same correction as for distance vision. The latter is called presbyopia in Greek, or age-related farsightedness.
The flexibility of the eye lens cannot be regained with any existing technology, but very good vision at all distances can be recreated by combining the best of two well-known optical principles: 1) significantly increased depth of focus by making the cornea slightly negatively aspheric; 2) correcting the dominant eye to plano, i.e. eyeglass strength 0.00. The non-dominant eye is typically corrected to -1.50 (addition +1.50), slightly less for early presbyopes.
Due to increased depth of focus, distance vision at near is significantly better than with regular correction with glasses or contact lenses. Addition +1.50 provides nearly the same near effect as addition +2.25, which is the standard near addition in progressive lenses.
When viewing with both eyes, the distance vision and near vision overlap each other in the optical axis, and one experiences good vision at all distances without noticing that one eye is slightly nearsighted.
This treatment method is called Presbyond Laser Blended Vision and has been developed over many years by Professor Dan Reinstein at the London Vision Clinic and the research department of Carl Zeiss Jena.
Who can undergo Presbyond surgery?
Presbyond is tolerated by 97 percent of all people with presbyopia, including those who have undergone cataract surgery with monofocal intraocular lenses. The pre-operative examination will easily determine if you are suitable for the treatment or not.
When we perform Presbyond surgery, we use the same machines and method as in Femto Second LASIK (laser treatment for those between 18 and 45 years old) – it is only the treatment profiles that are different. The operation is quick and precise, and has a low risk profile. You do not have to replace your eye lenses or have lens implants placed in your eyes.
Presbyopia, astigmatism, myopia, or hyperopia are treated in the same procedure.
PMP Eyecare believes that the eye lens should not be removed from the eye until it develops cataracts, which mostly occur in people aged 70 and above. The pre-operative examination we conduct will detect this if present. If you have cataracts, we will refer you for cataract surgery first. Presbyond age-adjusted laser treatment can be performed afterwards.
Beate Van Der Meijs
Olav Li