“My name is Michael. I am 24 years old and live in Denmark. I heard about PMP Eyecare from my father, who had his eyes operated on by Dr Petter Montagu-Pettersen at PMP Eyecare, some years ago. He was very happy with the result of his surgery and the high level of service he experienced.
My eyes were really bad before the operation: I suffered from serious shortsightedness of -6,00 diopters in both eyes and was totally reliant on contact lenses or glasses. I began to have problems with my contact lenses and disliked being dependent on glasses. I wanted a permanent and safe solution to achieve good vision. Prior to my introduction to PMP Eyecare, I had been told that my shortsightedness was too severe for correction by means of lasers. However, the current PMP Eyecare technology ensured that there was no problem in rectifying my eyes in order to give me perfect vision.
I came to Stavanger and PMP Eyecare from my home in Denmark on the morning of the 3rd of January for my pre-operative examination and had my operation later the same day. Although I was somewhat apprehensive before arriving at the clinic, I was highly motivated for the operation. When I arrived at PMP Eyecare, I immediately felt safe and well looked-after by the professional and friendly staff. The eye surgeon gave me very clear instructions and explained the procedure to me before the operation in a reassuring and calming way. My fear disappeared and I felt no pain during the few minutes of surgery.
After the procedure, I rested for three hours on a comfortable chair in the peaceful ambience of the clinic, listening to music.
Today, 25 days after my treatment, I had my post-operative check-up. My vision is perfect in both eyes. According to the eye doctor, my vision is not only 100 %, but 150 %! It is a lot better now than it was with my glasses or contact lenses before surgery.
I would absolutely recommend the treatment to anyone wanting to improve their vision. PMP Eyecare has made a huge positive change to my life. I now feel far healthier and it is such a relief to be able to see without dependence on glasses.”
Michael was speaking to Rachel Montagu-Pettersen, CFO PMP Eyecare

After surgery: Michael Sosnowski (24) went from having -6,00 diopters on both eyes to see without neither contact lenses nor glasses within only a few minutes. Here he is smiling on his four-week post-examination. Photo: Dr Petter Montagu-Pettersen